Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Traitor Guard Formations - II

Ok so what is one major aspect of both Iron Warriors forces and the Imperial Guard/Traitor Guard?


Yup. The big guns of inaccurate mass death. Who doesn't like them except for the guys getting killed by them? So of course if I want a full Grand Company or even just an enlarged army for Apoc battles I need a heavy duty artillery section or two.

First off is the near omnipresent basilisk. I happened to have procured 4 boxes of 3 bassies each some time ago so that is where I'm starting but I'm not just going to build 12 plain bassies cause that would be boring an uncreative.

3 "Standard" Bassies.
3 Enclosed gunnery compartment Bassies.
6 Earthshaker gun emplacements.

The "standard" bassies are so straight forward the only personalization in them with me the chaos iconography and the paint jobs. The enclosed bassies are going to be mildly modeled after the FW variant though I'm not gonna make them opennable and I'm going to scratchbuild the guns as a challenge and to save the earthshakers for more fun. The earthshaker emplacements are pretty basic and I'm thinking about casting the base crable after I scratchbuild one so I can make 5 just by casting then maybe make some for friends.

This does leave me with 3 spare earthshaker guns and 6 spare chimera chassis so I'm trying to come up with uses for them. I'm considering Putting together a couple trojans for things like an ammo carier for a Bombard but I wanna get other units done first.

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