Sunday, April 19, 2009

Alright so the first armour brigade I'm going to do is made to be kinda basic for the sake of having a base of standard armour on which to build tactics. I doubt anyone will say the basic leman is a do all tank but I say it can do a lot for what it is and while not the best tank for a lot of situations it probably fairs pretty well in most. It's not hard and fast but most of the time my tanks will be organized in squadrons of 4 whether I use squadron rules or not.

Squadron 1 consists of 4 Conquerors one of whick is the command tank. (Since now ordnance can fire on the move this may change dramatically in the case conquerors better ift a different role or the other way around don't fit this role but most likely they will remain as a squadron in this "standard" brigade.)

Squadron 2 and 3 are each 4 basic lemans with a command tank each.

They are primed and ready for paint for the most part though I'm going to get other tanks ready for paint and get the air brush out for the good weather. I wanna note than all these have HB sponsons that are fixed but this will change since I'm considering either hull swaps with future tanks built without sponsons or I might pope the sponsons off and mount them to a new side plate that magnetizes on so I can swap between no sponsons or different weapon sponsons on -ALL- my lemans.

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